Introduction and Mission Statement

Pediatric Emergency Medicine

Pediatric Emergency Medicine is a critical field of child healthcare that cannot be underestimated in today's modern era. While preventive pediatrics is essential to promote children's overall health, emergency care Pediatrics plays a crucial role in addressing the immediate medical needs of children. In fact, a vast majority of Pediatric visits are either for preventive care or emergency care, highlighting the importance of both aspects of Pediatric care.

Recognizing the critical need for emergency care, the Government of India has included it as a major thrust in its current and future health plans. It is crucial to emphasize the importance of pediatric emergency medicine in India to address childhood mortality and morbidity effectively. While the specialty of Pediatric Emergency Medicine has been recognized in many developed countries like the USA, Canada, and Australia for over two decades, it is still in its infancy state in India.

In this context, the IAP Chapter on Pediatric Emergency Medicine aims to promote Pediatric Emergency Medicine as a specialty in India, enhance the quality of pediatric emergency medical care, and raise public awareness of the scope of Pediatric emergency medical services. The chapter also aims to optimize emergency and disaster preparedness and response with reference to the special needs of children and adolescents in India. Moreover, it seeks to encourage pediatric research activities by combining the efforts of individual institutions and coordinating research activities among them.

The expected outcomes of this chapter are significant, with the primary focus being to improve the quality of emergency care for children in India. With a reduction in childhood morbidity and mortality, the chapter's efforts will make a meaningful impact on the health of children in the country. Additionally, it will enhance the value of the IAP as an advocate for child health, promoting academic programs and encouraging pediatric specialties.

The IAP Chapter on Pediatric Emergency Medicine provides an excellent opportunity for students, teachers, practitioners, policy makers, and planners to focus on this essential aspect of child care. Participation in the chapter's activities will provide members with numerous benefits, both current and prospective. Overall, the chapter's mission is to improve the quality of emergency medical care for children in India and promote the field of Pediatric Emergency Medicine as a critical specialty in the country.

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